Bing’s Finds Your Oscar Doppelganger

Bing has created a site that lets users upload photos of themselves to find their look-alike celebrities. Incredible amount of celebs faces just like yours. Try It Out.

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Bing has added a new feature to the mix with its site a site that finds your look-alike celebrity.
Users can upload a photo of themselves to celebslike, or share pics that already online, and the machine will match it to an Oscar nominated actor or director and include three more additional celebrity matches who not involved with the Oscars.
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The technology of celebslike uses both large vision recognition engines and a perceptual intelligence capabilities of Cortana.  The “machine takes celebrity faces already on the web and links to the Bing Satori Knowledge graph, and the Image graph, which provides information on visual features of the image.

It seems like the design of this web site is very “skin” – not even a proper logo – just regular font with golden color.
Black and simple background with of course the search bar of bing’s search engine.
Also we found that only two options to share with friends who do I look like are facebook and twitter… That’s it? C’mon… microsoft..

So…… Seems like you now ready to let Microsoft, Bing and scan your face and tell you what celebrity you look like.

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